So far, so good... We opened back up to physical classes on 12th April & things have gone extraordinarily well. I was expecting quite a stressful few weeks as students came back, new processes & procedures bedded in and students & parents got used to (and broke) the new ways of working! I am happy to report that, thanks to good planning and fabulous students & parents, I have managed to keep what little hair I had. Thank you so much for making it all work.
Monday 17th May sees us welcome back the remainder of our student cohort & so we expect our classes to be a little bit busier - mainly in the Green & Red Belt and in the Black Belt classes. Therefore, as you can book in a week in advance, I expect Monday 10th May to be busy too - for bookings. Most of you have gotten into the habit of booking well in advance, but a small minority leave it to the last minute to book. I expect that this will become harder to do, so I will expect a few panicked phone calls & texts saying they cannot book in. Whilst I will do my best to sound sympathetic, you have been warned multiple times, so on your heads be it...
Rules is rules
All the usual rules will still apply from 17th May onwards:
Only turning up 5 minutes before class & not being late (that can be a hard window to hit with the upturn in traffic)
Mask wearing on entry & exit to the centres & if you are watching the Tiger classes
Making the class changeovers smooth, given we have some bottlenecks in the centres, by not clogging up corridors, waiting areas, etc
We are continuing with our enhanced cleaning regime. Please continue to help us by only using the toilets/changing rooms when absolutely necessary & not using equipment before class.
The windows will all be open & the fans will be on - but don't worry if the weather is cold, we'll help you get a sweat on!
A (sad) goodbye
Monday 17th May will also see the switching off of the Zoom classes. Zoom has been both a great help & a great source of stress for Instructors & whilst it has served a very clear purpose, I for one will not be sorry to see it go as it means we are open & almost back to normal.
We will also be saying goodbye, at some point, to the online booking system, but not just yet. So book in EARLY, book in AS PER YOUR TUITION PACKAGE & we'll see more of you in class from the 17th.