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Updated: Mar 11, 2021

So, just a quick update on our 4-step reopening plan:

  • Step 1 (reopening to Tigers) has gone extremely well, with parents sticking to the single-parent requirement & arriving only 5 minutes before the class start time to use the one way system. The Tigers have been brilliant, doing their best to observe social distancing, but, more importably, just having fun.

  • Step 2 (reopening to students up to 16 years of age) has gone better than we could have imagined, with everyone booking in & everyone turning up for their booked sessions. Parents have all accepted the fact we cannot, at the moment, allow them to stay & watch & the students that have booked in so far have all seemed to drop back into it.

  • Step 3 happens this weekend, where we reopen to all students & will prove the true test of all the safe systems of working that we have put in place. We're seeing people booking in for classes (remember: classes can be booked 1 week in advance), but certain classes are far more popular than others sort may be time to mix your training up & not come on the day that you have traditionally attended? The social distancing element of classes (eg: class capacity) is working very well & we will keep that under review as government advice and regulations change.

  • Step 4 is what we are really looking forward to - full reopening with no restrictions on spectators or classes. Date for this? Who knows, but we will do it as soon as it is practical and safe to do so.

Zoom classes will remain in place for now as there are some not yet comfortable coming to classes or who need to continue to shield. However, the timetable may need to be reduced as some of the satellite centres start to reopen & Instructor availability reduces.

So, we've started well but let's just:

  • Keep booking into classes & making sure that you cancel classes if you cannot attend so that others can take the limited spots

  • Keep training, be that online or in person

  • Keep telling others we are safely open so we can continue to keep the club sustainable in the future (we are already seeing people come to trial classes and sign up 👍)

  • Keep smiling as we work our way through what could be a challenging next few months

Thank you

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