The answer is absolutely yes. Tang Soo Do, like any martial art, can definitely help you shed extra weight. The martial art of Tang Soo Do is an excellent option to help you lose weight and get you in the best shape of your life.
The world is facing a health crisis from the physical and mental health of the population being at an all time low. This is true not just of adults, but also of our children, as we've recently been cooped up inside our homes for extended periods.
Exercise levels are at an all time low and obesity numbers are soaring. People need to get active again. Interestingly, this will also make you less susceptible to the major effects of viruses like Covid-19, so the fitter you are, the less likely you are to suffer the next time around.
Whilst there is an endless list of options to help you get fit & lose weight, martial arts may not be one that you have seriously considered. So, keep reading to find out how Tang Soo Do could be the answer to the questions you are asking yourself:
Do I need to be in shape to start Tang Soo Do training?
Absolutely not. No one starts out being able to do 540 degree roundhouse kicks or flying sidekicks. Without exception, almost everyone that begins their Tang Soo Do training is out of shape. Training is a gradual process that incrementally helps you get fitter and lose weight as you progress. In just a few weeks, you will see noticeable differences and feel much better than you did previously.
What if I have a pre-existing condition such as asthma, diabetes, etc?
Don’t worry. Many people that have pre-existing conditions practice Tang Soo Do, often as a way of helping with or managing their condition. In fact, many Tang Soo Do practitioners with pre-existing conditions that train frequently see tremendous benefits to their health. Some even are no longer affected by their conditions due to continually training in Tang Soo Do.
Numerous health experts say that staying active can either improve or even treat pre-existing conditions. Even if you need alterations made for you to train, Tang Soo Do will definitely improve your overall health.
How can Tang Soo Do help you lose weight?
The reason Tang Soo Do is great for weight loss is because it is a high pace workout. Tang Soo Do combines cardiovascular, strength, functional and flexibility training all in one.
Doing workouts at a gym, you’ll have to do these separately, but with Tang Soo Do they’re all in one workout. In a one hour Tang Soo Do class, you can work on and improve every aspect of your physical health.
Cardiovascular training in Tang Soo Do
This type of training helps you burn the most calories. According to the Mayo Clinic, a 1hr Tang Soo Do class at a moderate pace can burn 752 calories for an 11.5 stone/72kg person. For someone overweight or obese, they could lose almost double this in one hour.
So to put in perspective an overweight person training 3 times per week can lose almost 3000 calories practicing Tang Soo Do. That equates to 1lb/0.5kg of fat loss in just one week of training and therefore with a proper diet and consistently going to class, you could easily lose 5lb/2kg+ or more in a single month.
Strength training in Tang Soo Do
Tang Soo Do not only improves your endurance, but also you’re overall strength. Almost every muscle in your body gets worked when you are in a Tang Soo Do class. With every punch and kick you throw, your muscles and core are activated. These constant movements grow your muscles and gradually increase your strength. In just a few weeks, you’ll be able to punch harder, kick harder, and do more pushups. You’ll notice your body start to get more definition and look way better than you did before practicing Tang Soo Do.
Functional training in Tang Soo Do
Maybe the best part about practicing Tang Soo Do to get fit and lose weight is that the training is functional - all of the movements you do in Tang Soo Do are natural and practical. They are all movements that your body can do naturally and in a flowing motion. This can benefit you in your daily life, being less likely to hurt yourself during your daily routine.
Flexibility training in Tang Soo Do
To go along with the functional training aspect of Tang Soo Do, flexibility is also a large part of the training. In every Tang Soo Do class, you go through a routine of stretches to improve your flexibility and improve your movements. Constantly doing these routines will have tremendous benefits for your body. It reduces your risk of injury, helps you recover quicker and improves your posture - all extremely important when you’re trying to lose weight.
How often should you train to lose weight?
The answer is 'as much as possible', but any amount you can do will be beneficial to your goal of losing weight. As a guide, here's what we recommend when you’re practicing Tang Soo Do to lose weight:
Beginner Stage: If you’re really out of shape and inactive, the best approach is to start with 1-2 classes per week. Gradually getting into training is the smarter idea when you start out in Tang Soo Do so as not to overwork your body.
Intermediate Stage: After your body gets acclimatised to the training, you can then up your training to 2-3 classes per week. You’ll be losing weight at a faster pace and be feeling much better.
Advanced Stage: If you really enjoy practicing Tang Soo Do beyond just for losing weight, then 3-5 days per week is for you. Continue to grow your passion for Tang Soo Do and keep training.
Benefits of Tang Soo Do during your weight-loss process
Tang Soo Do provides many benefits to those that practice the art, but there are two in particular for those in the process of losing weight:
It gives you a routine
It teaches you discipline
Routine: The big reason why people gained weight during quarantine was because their routine was interrupted. Some had nothing to do, but sit home, watch box sets and eat. Others were so busy home-schooling, running a household & doing their jobs in new and interesting ways, that exercise fell down the list of priorities. Being in Lockdown also means that exercise opportunities were somewhat restricted! Since Lockdown is coming to an end, they may now have no direction and need to get back on a routine, which is why Tang Soo Do is the perfect answer for this solution.
Training keeps you on a set schedule and keeps you active. This routine of practicing Tang Soo Do keeps you from being sedentary, which directly leads to being overweight.
Discipline: When you practice Tang Soo Do you learn to develop self discipline. The main reason why people get overweight is they lack the self discipline to not eat in excess or to continue with a healthy lifestyle. Learning Tang Soo Do helps you develop discipline within yourself to never let yourself get into an unhealthy state again. You’ll strive to be the best you can be physically and mentally.

Get Ready To Train
Now that you know the benefits and have had any worries assuaged, why not begin your Tang Soo Do training? If you gained some extra weight from the excesses of the holidays that you’re looking to burn off, there’s nothing better than getting into Tang Soo Do.
Not only are you going to get amazing results, but you also learn self defence during your weight loss journey. Practicing Tang Soo Do will help you lose weight, while giving you the discipline to keep it off.
So give us a call and get started today!