That's not how the rhyme normally goes? Surely, it's all about everyone's favourite anti-monarchist, Mr Guy Fawkes & the Gunpowder Plot?

Well, we need you to remember a different date...
Monday October 25th 2021
That's the date we officially move into our new Prestwich Centre & the date from which we commence classes at the new location.
The timetable doesn't change - class times are the same - so please continue to not be late or too early.
The address is Basement, 25b Sedgley Gardens, George Street, Prestwich M25 9LW
It is the first door on the left hand side as you turn into George Street, from Bury New Road. The What3Words location is ///
Please don't be that person that turns up at Bank House & buzzes the doorbell on that Monday - Someone will do it; just make sure it's not you!
