De La Soul believed that 'three, is the magic number'. We, on the other hand, believe it is two...

By now, many of you will have heard the news that the Prestwich Centre is moving to a new venue. After two years of searching, we will have a new home.
The current venue, Bank House Studios on Warwick Street, has been our home for nearly 5 years and has served us well. We moved in only a year after we formed and we have seen plenty of students come, go & grow. Bank House Studios; we salute you!
However, the recent global pandemic has shown us the value of space & of ventilation. As an old building, ventilation has been a real issue at Bank House Studios & many of you will understand the issues we have around space, both for students but also for spectators.
So, we are doubling up...
The new venue, on George Street in Prestwich (just down the road & still within the Prestwich area), will mean the following:
A doubling of the training space for students. Bank House has just less than 70 square metres of matting. The new Centre will have 140 square metres of training space. So, no more struggling to fit in the Hyungs, lots of space to move when sparring and plenty of space for kicks & drills. There will be no more restrictions on what we can do in classes just because the class is busy.
A doubling of the space for spectators. One of the restricting factors during the global COVID pandemic was not actually the number of students on the mats, but the number of parents watching, particularly with the Tiger Classes. We will have double the space for seating, so we can be that little bit further apart whilst watching.
A doubling of the 'facilities'. One toilet, particularly with our Tigers classes, sometimes meant queues for the loos. Sedgley Gardens will not have the same problem, although if you all decide to go at the same time we will definitely be in trouble!
Finally, the beautiful old Bank House building did not lend itself for either good ventilation or temperature control - it was built in another era. Sedgley Gardens has an air conditioning system, allowing us to maintain a constant comfortable training temperature. More importantly, it has an air handling system, drawing in fresh air from the outside & replacing the stale air inside, so we will be able to maximise ventilation all year round without rain coming in through the windows or the back door!.
We should be operational in the new Centre from the end of October, but we hope to have an 'open day' beforehand where people can come down to see the new Centre, familiarise themselves with the space & prepare for the changeover from one to the other. Further updates will follow so watch this space as well as the Facebook page for more details.