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North Manchester FMAC

Updated: Mar 11, 2021

Hello & welcome to North Manchester Family Martial Arts Centre’s first ‘blog’… It feels like it is a momentous occasion, for me at least! I have wanted to start a range of conversations about a variety of issues with students & parents, but unless we get you all into VERY large hall, doing that face-to-face is hard & doing it one-on-one would, I’m afraid, be way too time consuming. Therefore, we are going to try a blog.

I will try to keep clear of making it the ‘midnight rantings of an unhinged Instructor’ and more to a line of thinking & questions to which we invite debate. What should appear here will not be ‘truth’; it will be more ‘opinion & current thinking’. I hope they will be regular to start with, probably monthly, but we’ll look at anything you fancy, so if there’s a subject close to your heart, then speak up.

So grab a cup of tea, settle back and let’s have a chat…. soon!

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