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North Manchester FMAC

2024 Festive Newsletter

In our final blog of the year, we wanted to wish you and yours a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. As always, we hope you have had a very successful 2024, achieved everything you wanted to this year and wish you all the best in your aims and ambitions for 2025.

Festive Break opening & closing dates

Our final classes of 2024 will be:

  • Prestwich Centre - Sunday 22nd December

  • Oldham Centre - Saturday 21st December

  • Middleton Centre - Friday 20th December

  • Denton Centre - Thursday 19th December

All centres will reopen for normal classes starting from Thursday 2nd January 2025.

There will be some additional classes in between Christmas & New Year as follows:

Friday 27th December at the Prestwich Centre:

  • Tigers Assault Course - 5.15pm

  • Work off your Christmas pud’ class (All Grades) - 6.00pm -7.30pm

These classes will be available to ALL North Manchester Students regardless of what centre you are from and we invite you down to come and have a fun and entertaining time, while burning off those extra calories we’ve all put on over the break.

New Year; New You – Set yourself some 2025 targets

You should always have a target - as Bruce Lee said ‘A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at’…. So what are you going to aim for next year?

If you are a 1st Gup, then you should probably be looking at setting a target date for your Dan Test (if you haven’t already!) - there are two opportunities every year, so set yourself a date.

If you are a Beginner (White through to Blue Belt), think about when you would like to move to the Intermediate Class (Green & Red Belts) - it takes 6 to 8 months to complete the Beginners programme so next year should see you move to the senior class.

Looking back at 2024

Prestwich Centre

This year saw the Prestwich Centre go from strength to strength with us reaching the amazing heights of over 360 students training with us over the seven days that we are open and it continues to be the busiest of all the FMAC Centres. We also have, as mentioned above, almost 40 red belts ready to try for and earn their Black Belt over the next twelve months, which is a remarkable achievement for any centre and something we are all incredibly proud of. If you are a Green or Red Belt, have you started to think about when you want to go for you Black Belt test? Have you set that date??

This year, the Prestwich Centre has helped give back to the local community around us, by sponsoring a local girls’ football team - the Diamonds Under-11 Girls team from the Prestwich Marauders Club. The two-year agreement supports the club by covering the cost of their team uniforms, which look fantastic. The team plays at St Mary’s Park, so if you have the opportunity to stop by or are passing through on a Sunday morning, feel free to swing by and cheer them on.

Looking forward, we’re on the lookout for a ‘forever home’ in the Prestwich area - something we can call our own. So if you know of a building or a piece of land where we can build our own Centre, please let Mr B Nelson know on 07811 006469

Oldham Centre

For the Oldham Centre the most notable event has been the addition of a full programme of classes on Mondays. This initially started as only a Beginner Class with the option of an extra 30 minutes for Green & Red Belts who had decided to come down to the Monday Beginners Class so they could have some precious one to one help. As the popularity of Mondays grew however, it became clear that a full class would be needed to make sure that everyone got their fair share of attention. The Monday now has its own group of dedicated students who regularly attend plus the occasional addition of anyone who is in need of making up any missed classes.

Middleton Centre

This year at Middleton, we have gone from strength to strength, with club number growing to a staggering 125, with more people than ever starting their Tang Soo Do Journey with Family Martial Arts Centres. Still split over two venues on two different days, we can reach a larger area of Middleton and build on the amazing foundations the Centre has. With the Middleton Centre producing another Black Belt the year in Mr Jamie Owen, as well as having our first 2nd Dan Black Belt in Mr Kieran Rodgers, we will be, from January, putting on a dedicated Black Belt session on a Tuesday Evening at Hopwood Hall College. This session should now give our Blackbelts the time and focus to push onwards and upwards with their training as they head (hopefully) towards their Masters Belt in years to come.

Denton Centre

We were delighted to have opened our new Centre in the Denton and Tameside area in April of this year, at the Gibsons Dance Academy, in Bowden Street, Denton. This is the fourth Centre for North Manchester and we hope to build on the success or our Prestwich, Oldham and Middleton Centres. It has been fantastic, bringing Tang Soo Do, to a whole new area, and since opening, the Denton students have already displayed great perseverance and courage in learning new skills and progressing through the ranks. Although the Centre only runs one day a week on a Thursday, we already have more that 20 students attending regularly and are very excited to be shortly opening on an extra day starting on 12th January 2025. This will give everyone an extra opportunity/option to attend a class which suits them the most.

We currently run both Tigers and Beginners Classes and hope to expand that further when we have some Green & Red Belt students

Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa - Masters Assessment 2024

In November 2024, two of North Manchester’s Senior Instructors, Mr Brett Nelson and Mr Harris Nelson, along with eight other senior 3rd Dan Black Belts from across Family Martial Arts Centres, took part in the Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa (a test for 4th Dan Black Belt level) at Shaw Hill Golf & Spa Hotel, Chorley. During the two gruelling days of seminars and practical assessments, the 3rd Dans were put to the test on everything they have learnt over the past 12+ years. As most of you will have heard by now, both Mr Brett Nelson and Mr Harris Nelson were successful in their Assessment and will become 4th Dan Masters at a special 'Train with the Masters’ Seminar on Saturday 8th March 2025.

When asked about what it was like to take part in the Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa event, Mr Brett Nelson responded:

“I wasn’t sure exactly what to expect from the Masters Assessment and thought it might be along the lines of what we’ve seen for second and third Dan assessments in the past. When we turned up on that first morning, it was just with a great sense of expectation but a little bit of anticipation about what was to come. The days were hard. Physically you were on the go for pretty much all of the day. The hardest part for me was staying on top of things mentally. There was one particular moment during the second day when I just had a tiny moment where I zoned out – I think my brain was tired – and I hadn’t heard exactly

what we had been asked to do. This meant that I was suddenly behind the game on that particular demonstration, and I knew then I had to really concentrate harder for the rest of the event. Luckily the Senior Rank Advancement Sessions that were held over the past twelve months prior to the Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa were really good at helping us to standardise what we were doing and how we were doing it. However, they alone were not going to be enough to succeed, and both Mr H Nelson and I spent many a week down the Prestwich Do Jang practising, practising, practising and going through everything on our syllabus to make sure that when we turned up at those sessions, we really turned up”

Everyone at North Manchester send our congratulations to them both, and look forward to greeting them as Sa Bom Nim (Master Instructor) in the next few months.

Black Belts

There are only two Dan Shim Sa’s per year, usually held in May & November, and this year saw us promote seventeen 1st Gup Red Belts up to the level of Cho Dan over our Centres. - next year’s dates have already been published in the Dates for your Diary section of our website, so if you are a 1st Gup (Red Belt with 2 Blue Tags), you should probably have set your date for Black Belt Assessment (and therefore potentially to test too).

This year also saw North Manchester Family Martial Arts gain their first 3rd Dan with the promotion of Miss Emily Ago from the Prestwich Centre, earning her new rank at the Dan Shim Sa in November. Emily was one of the first students to join the Prestwich Centre and to become a 3rd Dan at just 16 years of age, is an amazing achievement, and we are all incredibly proud of her success. Her Masters Test is just  few years away now!

We continue with our 100% record of producing Black Belts across the three Centres, so there is absolutely no pressure on those who are looking to test in 2025!

Those who progressed to Cho Dan (1st Dan) this year are:

  • Miss Jennah Ali Islam (Oldham)

  • Miss Julia Diller (Prestwich)

  • Mr Alfonso Gianan (Prestwich)

  • Mr Junes Gianan (Prestwich)

  • Mr Haroon Gillani (Prestwich)

  • Mr Ahmed Khan Noreen (Prestwich)

  • Mr Omer Maki (Prestwich)

  • Mr Obai Maki (Prestwich)

  • Mr Odai Maki (Prestwich)

  • Mrs Kerry McAtkin (Prestwich)

  • Mr Jamie Owen (Middleton)

  • Mr Ben Robinson (Prestwich)

  • Mr Fergus Robinson (Prestwich)

  • Mr Laurie Robinson (Prestwich)

  • Miss Ruby Shepherd (Oldham)

  • Mr Oscar Si (Prestwich)

  • Mr Joe Thompson (Prestwich)

Those who progressed to Ee Dan (2nd Dan) this year are:

  • Mrs Marta Kelly (Oldham)

  • Mr Matt Smith (Prestwich)

  • Mrs Ruth Byrne (Prestwich)

  • Mr Joshua Trueman (Oldham)

  • Mr Salim Kurrimboccus (Prestwich)

Those who progressed to Sam Dan (3rd Dan) this year are:

  • Miss Emily Ngo (Prestwich)

There is a large group of students who could potentially go for their Dan Assessments (Cho Dan & Ee Dan) in 2025, so if you see a slightly worried student trying to practice their self-defences before class, help them out!

Importance of Rank Advancement (Graduations)

Every two months you hear all of us Instructors talk about Graduation, giving you the countdown of how many weeks are left until the next Graduation and making sure you get your form in early. But why is Graduation so important within Martial Arts? Graduations are extremely important events in the Family Martial Arts Centres calendar and are held every two months. It is a time when Tigers, Leadership and Dan Students from all Family Martial Arts Centres across the North West come together and Graduate at the same venue, watched and supported by their friends and family and is a great opportunity to show everyone what we have been learning over the past couple of months in class.

It is at these events that students are awarded their next coloured belt and certificate. It is via these Graduations that students progress through the ranks within martial arts and each one is another step on their Martial Arts journey. You cannot become a Master without Graduating regularly! Remember, Graduations for more junior ranked students are not a test - It is a great opportunity for reward and recognition for our newer members. In our programmes they don’t have to be expert to progress to the next belt as the new belt will help with confidence and motivation. As they progress through the belt ranking structure, ‘Graduations’ transition to ‘Gradings’ which are more of a test. Green & Red belts will be expected to demonstrate a good understanding of the syllabus they have been learning without guidance and assistance of others. It is also at this stage that our techniques need to be at a very good standard, with good stances, effort & power. We expect every student to always do their best at every Graduation they attend and if you remember what you have been told in class and work hard, no one should have anything to worry about. Above all, enjoy the graduation experience.

All the dates for the 2025 Rank Advancements can be found in the 2025 Dates for your Diary.

If you have never been to a Graduation before, check out what some of the students say about it here.

Referral Scheme

Did you know that lots and lots of our members join following a referral from current and past students... and we love it, so thank you for helping to spread the word. We really rely on our members to help promote our art and our classes. You really are the best advert for our centres.

You can all help out by telling your family and friends all about our classes and how much you enjoy your training. You can also give them one of the pass cards inviting them down to a free session, steering them to our website where they can book in for a trial class (, or giving them your Instructor’s details and getting them to give us a ring, or dropping us an email.

As a thank you for you help with bringing more students in, for everyone you refer who joins, you will receive your referral patch for your uniform and we will pay for your next Graduation.

You see the chances are that if we like you (and we love our members) then we are likely to like your friends too! 

Awards Night Winners

Saturday 30th November saw Family Martial Arts Centre host its Annual Awards Evening at Davyhulme Park Golf Club, in which Students, Instructors and Centres are awarded for their successes and efforts over the past 12 months. This years event raised just over £2,000 for our nominated charity ‘Cash for Kids’.

We had some success this year, with Mrs Plummer from the Prestwich Centre winning ‘Assistant Instructor of the Year’, Mr Ogden (Middleton) and Mrs Kelly (Denton) both winning the Contribution to the FMAC Organisation Awards, and Mr B Nelson from the Prestwich Centre winning the ‘Ian Longden Award for Outstanding Courage and Commitment’. These were fantastic results for our Instructors and Centres and amazing recognition of all the hard work achieved at all North Manchester Family Martial Arts Centres.

For the Student Awards, each Centre presents a ‘Most Improved Student’, a 'BlackBelt Attitude’ and a ‘Contribution to the Club’ award to individuals who have taken certain steps within their training, pushed through barriers, and aided the support and growth of the Organisation. Well done to everyone who received an award. This years winners were:


Most Improved Students - Kath Dyer and Khalid Karemi

Black Belt Attitude - Ben Robinson and Natalia Sieradzan

Contribution to the Club - Andy Jowett and Adam Walsh


Most Improved Students - Sana Sheikh and Yakub Zaman

Black Belt Attitude - Christopher Cotton and Oana Simona

Contribution to the Club - Joshua Trueman and David Tickle


Most Improved Students - Natalie O’Reilly, and Lilianna Matys

Black Belt Attitude - Elisha Garner and Sienna O’Connor

Contribution to the Club - Josh Kelly and Team McAtkin


Most Improved Students - Riley James Kimani

Black Belt Attitude - Peter Dominik Susanyi

Contribution to the Club - Haaziq Ohiani

Giving Back


Several of the Instructors (Mr B Nelson, Mr H Nelson, Mr Ogden & Mr Watt) joined forces this past November and grew silly/stupid/handsome (delete as appropriate) moustaches, to help raise money for Movember which focuses on men’s health issues both Physical and mental.

Crazy looking facial hair aside, we raised over £1,200 for this great cause. A massive ‘Thank you’ to all our students, their families, friends and everyone that contributed with cash or sarcasm this year - it was much appreciated and will go to making a big difference to men struggling with their health, all over the UK

Sponsoring Prestwich Marauders Football Team

As mentioned in the ‘Centres’ section, the Prestwich Centre has this year, made the commitment to support a local girls’ football team, by sponsoring the Diamonds Under-11 Girls team from the Prestwich Marauders Club. This two-year agreement will help to support the club by covering the cost of their team uniforms, which I’m sure you agree look fantastic. Getting children (especially young females) involved in any sport or physical activity, is very important and a key belief of us all here at North Manchester FMAC and by supporting the team, we can help the girls push forward on the pitch, and hopefully have a very successful season. The team plays at St Mary’s Park, so if you have the opportunity to stop by or are passing through on a Sunday morning, feel free to swing by and cheer them on and we will keep you updated of their progress over the coming months.

Mother & Father’s Day classes

We ran a series of classes at all of our Centres, earlier on in the year, aimed at the parents of students already involved with us. They got a chance to feel what it is like to do the class (and feel the sore muscles afterwards!). These classes is some of our special events and in our opinion our mums & dads wait the whole year to be finally able to kick and punch some pads. The class is usually filled to the edge of the mats with our students and their parents. It is the time to release all the build up stress, relax the mind and let the body take over. It is a fun workout with some useful self-defence techniques and we are planning to keep the tradition of running these classes in the future as well. We love to be there for our students and their parents and we can see how they relax and unleash their inner Chuck Norris. It is amazing to see how the families reconnect in a joint effort to smash the pads, the shields and the Instructors behind them. We are hoping to see more parents joining us for fun filled sessions in 2025 as well.

NHS Wellbeing Event

In September of this year, Mr B Nelson, Mr H Nelson and Mr Ogden took part in the first NHS Wellbeing Roadshow event down at the Manchester Royal Infirmary, on Oxford Road in Manchester. The event was developed to help NHS staff and their families get involved in activities and events in their local areas, and promote a healthy lifestyle. During the Roadshow we spoke with lots of staff members from all over the North West, and introduced them to Tang Soo Do, with many signing up for more information and to book in for a trial class.

We will be looking to build on this going forward with the hope of introducing more members of our amazing NHS to Martial Arts and giving this hard working doctors and nurses the opportunity to take a few moments away from the fantastic work they do and de-stress in the Do Jang.

Food Bank in the Oldham Centre

With the theme of giving back in mind, the Oldham Centre has taken part in it’s 3rd year of running a donation station for a local food bank which is part of “The Trussell Trust”, an anti-poverty charity and community of food banks set on ensuring no one in the UK goes without food or support for people left without enough money to live on. We were contacted by one of the parents/guardians of one of our students who, very kindly, volunteers at the local food bank about if we’d be okay setting up a little donation station in our reception area. It has since slowly grown over the several years it been running with more and more people getting involved each time. We are all really appreciative and grateful to anyone who has contributed in the past and encourage anyone who can to spare whatever they can to help improve the the lives of those less fortunate than themselves.

Changes to Times/New Classes

Extra Day starting at Denton

We are happy to announce that from Sunday 12th January 2025 there will be an extra day added to the Denton Centre timetable, for both Tiger and Beginner Classes. The classes will continue to take place at Gibsons Dance Academy, in Bowden Street, Denton, and will be in addition to the Thursday classes, meaning we are giving our Denton students twice as much opportunity to train. If you know of anyone who may be able to train on a Sunday, or if you would like to increase your training from once a week to twice a week, speak with Mrs Kelly who will be able to help and advise you.

Middleton Black Belt Class

Starting from Tuesday 7th January, the Middleton Centre will be adding a 30 minute Black Belt class to their timetable. With the Centre now having several Blackbelt students (and hopefully more to come this year), we felt it was time for them to have their own class to help develop them on their journeys to 2nd and 3rd Dans. The Classes will take place after the Green & Red Belt class on Tuesday evenings at 8:00pm. They will look at Hyungs, Self Defence and Weapons, and the Blackbelts are advised to attend the Green & Red Belt class before for their warm up, exercise and sparring training.

Class times at the four Centres

Don’t forget, we have a huge number of classes across all four Centres - check out the online timetable for more details

And remember, if you cannot make your usual classes at your usual Centre, you can always pop over to a class at one of the Centres closest to you.

How to check for key dates & information

We put out lots of information via our Facebook pages (we repeat all the key announcements made in class & listed on the notice boards). The main page covers the Leadership classes at the Denton, Middleton, Oldham & Prestwich Centres. You can find it at

Each of the Tiger classes has its own specific page:

But I don’t use Facebook’ we hear you cry… That’s OK. We also have an app where the main announcements are replicated (you won’t have the class updates, but you will know when it’s deadline day for Graduation!). We also have an Instagram page.

The Facebook updates are also shown on the main landing page of the website so you can access all of the info there too! There is a huge amount of info in the ‘Student Zone’ area of the website. Grab a coffee & have a mooch!

Finally, and we know it’s a bit old skool, you can check the noticeboards in the Centre or the students can try to remember what we tell them at the end of class.

Our Future Instructor Programmes

The Family Martial Arts Group offers three levels of training for those students who are interested in making the first steps towards becoming an Instructor or who would like to be more involved in helping out in class:

Junior Instructor Training (children)

A 1 year training programme designed to deepen the understanding of our martial art & teach the basics of how to support the Instructor and junior students. This fantastic programme helps young people develop unstoppable confidence & communication skills.

Assistant Instructor Training / Success Coach Programme (age 13+)

1 year course teaching you the skills to become an Assistant Instructor – A great first step on the road to teaching your own students & to becoming involved in class. This is a programme to turbo boost your confidence, communication skills and help you set great goals. A powerful programme to improve quality of your life

  • Learn how to set powerful goals

  • Communicate with individuals and groups on a deeper level

  • Learn how to help others through their martial arts journey

  • Build and improve a positive mental attitude

  • Increase confidence in all areas of your life

Certified Instructor Training

Learn to become a Family Martial Arts Instructor, including both the martial arts side & how to run a successful business. Turn your hobby into a career.

If you would like more information on the programme, speak to one of the Instructors or visit: Mr Ogden also wrote a blog about it.

Who are our ‘Future Instructors’?

You may well know some of the people who have joined the various Instructor Training Programmes this year, could you add your name to the list:

Assistant Instructor Training:

  • Miss Lucy Jackson (Prestwich)

  • Mr Joshua Kelly (Middleton)

  • Mr David Tickle (Oldham)

  • Miss Sana Sheikh (Oldham)

  • Mr Zak Hussain (Oldham)

Junior Instructor Training:

  • Natalia Sieradzan (Prestwich)

  • Alex Mitura (Prestwich)

  • Jamie Kelly (Oldham)

2025 Dates for your Diary

The dates for all the 2025 events are now available and we strongly recommend you take a look at them, and make a note of those that you need/are expected to attend.

All the dates can be found on our website and this will be updated regularly with any changes or additions, so if you are ever unsure when or where an event is taking place, this is the place to visit.

Rank Advancement (Graduations)

Our Rank Advancement/Graduations for 2025 are being held at the Bury Grammar School (Boys Sports Hall), Tenterden Street, Bury, BL9 0HN, and this year will be on Saturdays for the February and April gradings, and then move to Sundays for the June, August, October, and December gradings. All dates can be found on the website, so please make sure you get these dates into your diaries so as not to miss out on advancing. Times for each belt’s Graduation can be found in the Centres and on our website. Alternative dates are available for students that cannot graduate on Graduation day due to holiday, work, religious or cultural reasons, with us also now including a Graduation held at the Oldham Centre on either the day before for Sunday gradings, or the day after for Saturday gradings. Speak to your Instructor if you need to arrange alternative dates.

1st Gup Seminars

Every year, we hold free Seminars for those students approaching the time when they might be eligible to test for their Black Belt. They are a great opportunity for Oldham, Middleton & Prestwich students to practice & perfect their Hyungs & Hol Sin Sool in preparation for their forthcoming Dan Test. These sessions are open to anyone who is a 2nd Gup or above (you just need to book on) and are being held as advertised, so make sure you get these dates in your diary.

Five Minute Rule

Can we please take this opportunity to remind you of the ‘5 minute rule’. Whilst all students are expected to be in class, prepared & ready to commence training 5 minutes BEFORE the advertised class start time, we recognise there can be occasional issues with traffic.

However, if a student arrives more than 5 minutes AFTER for the advertised start time of the class, they will not be allowed to join in as it is disruptive to the other students (who all managed to make it on time) and can be dangerous if the warm up is missed.

Thank you to the 99% - the 1% have been warned again!

Online presence

Many people often forget about all the extra information and tools we have for outside of the Do Jang. We have several different places where you can find tools and help in regards to your training - the main areas being our website and social media (both Facebook and Instagram). These have lots, if not all, the relevant information that can help speed along your journey to 1st Dan and beyond!! There are lots of videos to help with practice at home as well as terminology and history sheets to help you learn and remember for any upcoming test or gradings.

We also have a dedicated app which can be accessed via or through the prompt that appears when visiting our website as well as a YouTube channel with even more videos to help with any extra practice outside of the Do Jang.

Now don’t think just because you have all these tools and materials available to you that you can skip coming to class if you can’t be bothered! They’re there for those of you who have been coming to classes regularly and have been paying attention as they do not do any teaching, they’re simply there for a visual aid when going through and Hyungs or techniques that have already been taught to you by your amazing Instructor.

Importance of Uniform Trim and Badges

As part of our uniform all Leadership students should display their organisation and Federation patches on their uniform. The Organisation badge (round badge) goes on the left chest, and the Federation patch goes on the left arm. If you have been lucky enough to earn a referral laurel, this should be placed around the organisation badge. It is very important that all students adhere to the strict uniform code and have their badges on the uniforms. Green & Red Belt students should also have matching trim around the lapel of their Do Bok once they have been promoted to those ranks.

Should you require any sewing services for any additions or alterations to your uniform, then these are available by contacting Mrs Kathryn Ogden (07736 466726 or or Mrs Marta Kelly (07857 989516).

What to do with yourself over the Festive Break

As we approach the festive break, we thought it worthwhile just listing out some of the resources to help you stay trim & fit, keep progressing & learn new skills over this period.

Classes over the Festive Period

There will be some additional classes in between Christmas & New Year at the Prestwich Centre on Friday 27th December, with a Tigers Exercise Class at 5:15pm and a ‘Burn off your Christmas Pud’ Class at 6:00pm. This is open for all North Manchester Students from all four Centres.

Some of the other FMAC Centres may open during Christmas & New Year - Keep an eye out for announcements on the FMAC Group Facebook Page [LINK].

Keeping Active

The FMAC TV YouTube page has a range of fitness activities for you to undertake, such as Miss Brown's Workout of the Week [LINK], Mr Nelson's 10 Daily Exercises [LINK], or the huge range of pre-recorded classes available [LINK].

Stopping little ones from getting bored

There are enough pre-recorded Tiger Tots classes for you to be able to play one out each day for those Tigers with too much energy. Just search 'Tiger' on the FMAC TV YouTube channel to bring up all the classes. Alternatively, keep them busy for a whole day by playing this playlist.

Improving your skills

Again, there are masses of pre-recorded classes, plus videos on specific skills - blocks, kicks, self-defences, etc. Have a browse through the FMAC TV YouTube channel or search for what you are after.

Preparing for Dan Assessment & getting ahead of the game

Red Belts can practice their Hol Sin Sool & Hyungs to make sure they're on top of the syllabus (see above)

Alternatively, just relax & take a break. We'll be back in the New Year refreshed & ready to go.

Final Word

2024 has been another very successful year for North Manchester Family Martial Arts Centres. We’ve opened our forth Centre in Denton and grown to nearly 650 students over the four centres. We have gained our first 3rd Dan Blackbelt, had a good number of students from our centres being promoted to 1st Dan Black Belts, as well as seeing students starting our their Tang Soo Do journey and students of all ranks earning their next belt as they continue to their next step Black Belt and beyond. We’ve also gained a couple of 4th Dan Master Instructors.

Who knows what 2025 will bring? One thing is for sure though, with the right attitude from the start, it is bound to help everyone succeed and helps to give us all the best foundations to build on for another successful year. So whatever your New Year’s resolutions are going to be, make sure your Martial Arts figures highly in them. Having the right goals set from day one helps us down the path to success, whether it’s another belt along the route to Black Belt or you face the challenge of actually going to your Black Belt test this year. Be positive, set out your goals from the start as well as having an idea of the best path to get there, and above all stick with them. If you thought you had a successful 2024, let's make sure that 2025 is going to be even better!!!

From everyone at North Manchester FMAC, we would like to wish you and your families, all the very best for this Christmas, and hope you have a very happy and successful New Year.

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